Executive Committee

Chair: Cathe Burnham
Community Engagement

Executive Director
Smart Border Coalition

Treasurer: David O’Brien
Financial Consultant and Author
Vice Chair: Gustavo De La Fuente

Secretary: Gabriela Manriuez
Former Sr. Director,
Government Affairs Latin
America, Qualcomm Inc.

Immediate Past Chair: Jacqueline B. Meyer
JBM Consulting
Former Sr. Director,
Marketing, Qualcomm, Inc.
Board Members

Agustín Ceballos
Seltzer Caplan McMahon Vitek

Alejandra Mier y Terán
Executive Director
Otay Mesa Chamber
of Commerce

Atul Patel
Senior Vice President, Treasury
PriceSmart, Inc.

Emily Young, PhD
Executive Director,
The Nonprofit Institute
at The University of San Diego

Patricia Machado
President American Sunglass Manufacturing,
COO Augen Optics USA

Yuri A. Calderón
President and CEO
Miller Calderón, Inc.

Cheryl Hammond
Former Director of Sales
for Latin America AT&T

Donna Manning
Attorney; Former Vice President,
ICF Staff
Senior Management:
Other Advisors:

Andre Dungee
Finance Associate

Elizabeth Corrow

Jackie Rivas-Landaverde
Grants Manager

Leticia Martinez
Senior Development Officer

McKenzie Campbell
Program Officer: Baja California Sur

Anne McEnany
President & CEO

Marisa Quiroz
Vice President of Programs

Arden Martinez
Grants Assistant

Cynthia Duran
Marketing and
Development Assistant

Eliza Brennan
Senior Program Officer,
Education and Migration

Paloma Aguirre
Senior Program Officer: Environment

Yamilett K. Carrillo Guerrero
Director, Nonprofit Innovation and Performance

Angélica Leyva
ICF Consultant

Cynthia Wickerink
Advisor, Los Cabos Community Fund

Sergio G. Haro
Legal Advisor
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“ICF’s leadership, professionalism, sensitivity, and commitment to solving problems in our region has bonded our two organizations together. We have shared 20 years of building social investments in our community!”
Mario García Carrasco
Chair of Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad (FIC Baja)

“The Walton Family Foundation is inspired to support the binational effort to restore the Colorado River Delta because rivers don’t know boundaries, and our ideas shouldn’t either. ICF established the Raise the River Stewardship Fund to build and protect these ecosystems into the future. We are grateful for their long-term vision and partnership.”
Peter Skidmore
Program Officer, Environment Program
The Walton Family Foundation

“Foundations like ICF are investing endowment funds to “match money to our mission.” This year, ICF was pleased to support the Freedom100 Bond (see page 16) and earn a double return for our mission and our bottom line.”
David O’Brien
ICF Treasurer

“ICF is a great partner for any company interested in directing resources to support local communities. Together, we deployed over 1.4 million PPE resources and a small cash fund to benefit farmworkers where we work in Mexico.”
Rupal Patel
Principal, Akasha Strategies and
Founding Board Member, California Harvesters, Inc.
What Our Donors Have To Say:
Our Community

In Memoriam
Ezequiel Lizalde Rodríguez was a young reporter, news anchor and broadcaster who passed away in Baja California Sur from complications of COVID-19. Lizalde Rodríguez dedicated more than 10 years to critical journalism and giving voice to social movements. His work focused on exposing the abuse of power and the large extractive developments which positioned him in Baja California Sur as one of the relevant communicators in informative responsibility.

Jeanine Huerta Lopez was a human rights activist who raised the voices of those within the LGBTQIA+ community, especially sex workers and the transgender population. She was a collaborator of an organization that we proudly support at ICF: Centro De Servicios Ser A.C. In August, her light was senselessly taken away from us. According to the observatory of the organization Transgender Europe, Mexico ranks second in the world in murders of trans people, but we refuse to have her voice silenced. We dedicate the Rainbow Fund in Jeanine Huerta Lopez’s honor.

Victims of COVID19
The coronavirus pandemic has left an indelible mark on people all around the world of all ages and from all walks of life. Our hearts go out to everyone who has lost a loved one due to COVID-19, including many family members of our grantees, and our colleagues and friends in Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the U.S. Our ICF team recognizes and salutes those on the front lines – the medical staff, emergency responders, and care givers who are leading the battle against COVID-19 from the front and are putting their own lives at risk with selfless determination for the sake of saving lives.
Partners That Inspire Us

This Is About Humanity
Impact by the numbers
Nonprofits Impacted

This Is About Humanity (TIAH) is a movement that began nearly two years ago by its three co-founders - Elsa Collins, Zoe Winkler Reinis and Yolanda Selene Walther-Meade. Initially, their focus was to raise awareness and provide funding to civil organizations dealing with separated/reunified children and families at the US-Mexico border. As the situation evolved, TIAH organized over 20 experiential bus trips to highlight individual voices and vulnerable communities on both sides of the border.
With its boots-on-the-ground presence, This is About Humanity pivoted to provide COVID-19 relief efforts in response to the coronavirus pandemic in Baja California through its fund at ICF. In a two-week span in March, TIAH matched all donations up to $50,000, awarding a total of $100,000 for immediate service needs, medical checkups, food security and other health necessities to vulnerable children and families.
From start to finish, ICF’s grantmaking tools have been critical to This is About Humanity’s success – whether issuing requests for proposals to community organizations across the Calibaja region, assisting in completing needs assessments, or affording TIAH the opportunity to be intimately involved in the grantmaking processes. Donations to the This is About Humanity Fund at ICF allow it to respond to ongoing requests pertaining to food, housing medical services, long-term operation necessities, and day to day needs.

Fundación CAAAREM | Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad (FIC) | Apoyemos a Tijuana | Los Cabos Children’s Foundation
Impact by the numbers
$1.1 M
Donation Value

As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated, global health care systems were overwhelmed with potentially infectious patients seeking testing and care. To prevent the spread of infection between health care workers and patients, local communities relied on effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE)—gloves, face masks, air- purifying respirators, goggles, face shields, respirators, and gowns.
PPE, formerly ubiquitous and disposable in the hospital environment, is now a scarce and precious commodity in many locations where it is needed most.
In May 2020, through a generous in-kind donation, ICF partners delivered masks and gloves to farmworker communities in nine states of Mexico. Thanks to the experience and allies on both sides of the border, ICF expedited these supplies to clinics, hospitals, and community centers serving Mexico’s essential agricultural workers.

Sueño Tropical | Alianza para la Seguridad Alimentaria (ASA)
Impact by the numbers
Years In Operation
Variety of Herbs + Produce
Annually Invested In Local Economies
Jobs Created Annually

Sueño Tropical is a leading organic producer in BCS. Founded in 1985, their 200-acre family farm located in Pescadero/Todos Santos, is committed to not only producing healthy food, but doing so in a way that is healthy for the environment, and that gives back to their community. They are continuously improving their organic and regenerative farming systems by building compost, planting cover crops, selecting crop varieties for long-term sustainability, and turning their surplus herb harvest into natural oils that boost plants defenses.
The farm’s employees get first pick of surplus produce, and the rest is donated to non-profit partners and soup kitchens via the BCS Food Security Alliance, increasing access in the lowest- income communities to high quality, organic produce.
Sueño Tropical received a program-related investment (PRI) in the form of a $200,000 bridge loan to support preparations for the 2019/2020 planting season. This loan plus interest was fully repaid before term, and funds were reinvested for future grantmaking.

Freedom for Immigrants | Mission-Driven Finance
ICF Finance / Investment Committee
Impact by the numbers
People Freed From Detention
Avg. Immigration Bond In CA.
percentage of immigration cases in CA that are denied
Cost Range of Immigration Bonds

Mission Driven Finance, a local San Diego impact investment firm, contacted ICF in 2019 to discuss a new revolving loan fund – the $1 million Freedom100 Bond. This initiative provides bond funds for migrants held in detention awaiting their asylum hearing. When migrants are able to pay their bond (which is sometimes as low as $1,000), they are able to wait for their hearing in a safe environment surrounded by family and friends. ICF’s Finance and Investment Committee approved a $50,000 investment in July 2019, sparking ICF’s first socially responsible investment from its operating endowment.
Since ICF’s investment, the Freedom100 Bond has freed twenty-four migrants from detention! Twenty-three bonds have been posted in California and one in Louisiana. One of those freed was Sergio who was finally able to reunite with his family after a civil rights complaint and four failed attempts to post bond at the Adelanto Detention Center.
Freedom100 is now a quarter of the way through their goal of bonding out one hundred individuals from detention. We cannot think of a more tangible representation of all that philanthropy can unlock, all that ICF stands for, and all that we care about as a team. Twenty-four people are walking free today because we invested in their freedom.

Centro para la Biodiversidad Marina y la Conservación |Pronatura Noroeste
San Diego Natural History Museum | Other Research Partners
Impact by the numbers
Habitats Studied
Dives To Explore The Marine Area
Hectares Explored On Land
86 Team Members
- 46 terrestrial
- 15 marine
27 community

San Basilio is an area of immense natural beauty and significant native biodiversity, with habitats from rocky reefs to high canyons and a stunning display of wildlife. ICF funded an extensive research effort in December 2019 to create a baseline of terrestrial and marine species – the science teams studies over 23,000 marine animal and cataloged over 476 terrestrial species.
Research suggests that overfishing has affected the top predators of the bay, but there is great potential for recovery. The lands around the bay remain fairly pristine but are impacted by tourism and cattle and require careful management to ensure a healthy future for the land and sea of the great bay.
San Basilio shows early signs of the impacts of climate change in its mangrove ecosystems, which are experiencing shifts in their ranges. Protecting coastal ecosystems is key to resilience in the face of climate change, as well as reducing the impacts of tropical storms and other catastrophic events. Conserving San Basilio is a step towards a more resilient peninsula. ICF continues to work with local landowners and partners to find a conservation path for the area.
Latin America & Beyond

ICF Financial Overview